This blog posting is a response to my reading of the
Inception Report written by the team who are undertaking a review of
evaluations of interventions relating to violence against women and girls. The
process of the review is well documented in a dedicated blog – EVAW Review
The Inception Report is well worth reading, which is not
something I say about many evaluation reports! One reason is to benefit from
the amount of careful attention the authors have given to the nuts and bolts of
the process. Another is to see the kind of intensive questioning the process has
been subjected to by the external quality assurance agents and the considered
responses by the evaluation team. I found that many of the questions that came
to my mind while reading the main text of the report were dealt with when I read
the annex containing the issues raised by SEQUAS and the team’s responses to
I will focus on one issue that is challenge for both QCA and
data mining methods like Decision Trees (which I have discussed elsewhere on
this blog). That is the ratio of conditions to cases. In QCA conditions are
attributes of the cases under examination that are provisionally considered as
possible parts of causal configurations that explain at least some of the
outcomes. After an exhaustive search and selection process the team has ended
up with a set of 39 evaluations they will use as cases in a QCA analysis. After
a close reading of these and other sources they have come up with a list of 20
conditions that might contribute to 5 different outcomes. With 20 different
conditions there are 220 (i.e. 1,048,576) different possible configurations
that could explain some or all of the outcomes. But there are only 39 evaluations,
which at best will represent only 0.004% of the possible configurations. In QCA
the remaining 1,048,537 are known as “logical remainders”. Some of these can usually
be used in a QCA analysis through a process using explicit assumptions e.g.
about particular configurations plus outcomes which by definition would be
impossible to occur in real life. However, from what I understand of QCA
practice, logical remainders would not usually exceed 50% of all possible configurations.
The review team has dealt with this problem by summarising
the 20 conditions and 5 outcomes into 5 conditions and one outcome. This means
there are 25 (i.e. 32) possible causal configurations, which is more
reasonable considering there are 39 cases available to analyse. However there
is a price to be paid for this solution, which is the increased level of
abstraction/generality in the terms used to describe the conditions. This makes
the task of coding the known cases more challenging and it will make the task
of interpreting the results and then generalising from them more challenging as
well. You can see the two versions of their model in the diagram below, taken
from their report.
What fascinated me was the role of evaluation method in this
model (see “Convincing methodology”). It is only one of five conditions that
could explain some or all of the outcomes. It is quite possible therefore that
all or some of the case outcomes could be explained without the use of this condition.
This is quite radical, considering the centrality of evaluation methodology in
much of the literature on evaluations. It may also be worrying to DFID in that
one of their expectations of this review was it would “generate a robust
understanding of the strengths, weaknesses and appropriateness of evaluation
approaches and methods”. The other potential problem is that even if methodology
is shown to be an important condition, its singular description does not
provide any means to discriminating between forms which are more or less
The team seems to have responded to this problem by
proposing additional QCA analyses, where there will be an additional condition
that differentiates cases according to whether they used qualitative or quantitative
methods. However reviewers have still
questioned whether this is sufficient. The team in return have commented that they
will “add to the model further conditions that represent methodological choice
after we have fully assessed the range of methodologies present in the set, to
be able to differentiate between common methodological choices” It will be
interesting to see how they go about doing this, while avoiding the problem of “insufficient
diversity” of cases already mentioned above.
One possible way forward has been illustrated in a recent
CIFOR Working Paper (Sehring
et al, 2013) and which is also covered in Schneider
and Wagemann (2012). They have illustrated how it is possible to do a “two-step
QCA”, which differentiates between remote and proximate conditions.
In the VAWG review this could take the form of an analysis of conditions other
than methodology first, then a second analysis focusing on a number of methodology
conditions. This process essentially reduces a larger number of remote conditions
down to a smaller number of configurations that do make a difference to
outcomes, which are then included in the second level of the analysis which uses the more proximate conditions. It has the effect of reducing the number of logical remainders. It will
be interesting to see if this is the direction that the VAWG review team are
PS 2014 03 30: I have found some further references to two-level QCA:
PS 2014 03 30: I have found some further references to two-level QCA:
- Mannewitz, Tom. ‘Two-Level Theories in QCA: A Discussion of Schneider and Wagemann’s Two-Step Approach’. Compasss Working Paper 2011 (2011).
- Pattyn, ValĂ©rie. ‘Why Organizations (do Not) Evaluate: A Search for Necessary and Sufficient Conditions’. Comnpass Working Paper 2012 (2012). This is an example of two level analysis in use
- Legewie, Nicolas. ‘An Introduction to Applied Data Analysis with Qualitative Comparative Analysis’. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 14, no. 3 (26 September 2013).